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I grew up in Canada, a country with a hockey obsession so fervent and deeply entrenched that our medaling in the winter Olympics is all but guaranteed. As a child in Canada, pretty much all of my friends played hockey. Some of them were tying their own skates by the time they were six or seven years old and firing rocket-fuelled slap shots with laser-guided precision by the time they were nine or ten.
As a parent, if your child had any interest in sports whatsoever, hockey was almost always the first choice. If it wasn’t hockey, it was ringette or soccer, but priority was almost unfalteringly given to team sports. That’s just the way it seemed to be.
Martial Arts for Children
The martial arts, of course, were always there. I had a few friends that took karate classes, generally at dojos that seemed to hand out black belts in roughly the amount of time it takes to make a cup of tea. My impression though, through the naïve lens of childhood at least, was that martial arts like karate were reserved for timid children with bullying problems. ‘Normal’, properly socialized kids played hockey or soccer. This of course, was an extremely misguided impression – and one that is getting rarer and rarer.
It’s hard to say what exactly is responsible for this change. Perhaps it can be stacked up to the global popularity of MMA – but the martial arts are suddenly a much, much more common choice for parents looking to enrol their child in a sport. Whether we’re talking about jiu-jitsu, karate, judo, kung fu, or kickboxing, children’s martial arts classes seem to be getting more and more crowded.
For more details : video landing page
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